10th Class Hindi Formative Summative Assessment-10th Hindi Lesson Plans
10th Class Hindi Formative Summative Assessment - 10th Hindi Lesson Plans. Hindi is a National Language and Most of the Students of rural regions of AP and Telangana feels difficulty in Learning Hindi. Let us see what are the teaching strategies that Hindi Teachers can adopt for Teaching Hindi as per New Syllabus to get good results. Formative Summative Assessment Tools in Hindi and Hindi 10th Class Lesson Plan Model.
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10th Physics Formative-Summative Assessment Tests-10th Physics-Lesson Plans
10th Physics Formative-Summative Assessment Tests-10th Physics-Lesson Plans. How to conduct 10th Physics New Syllabus FA and SA Tests and Evaluation. How to prepare 10th Physics Year Plan, 10th Physics Unit Plan, 10th Physics Lesson Plans as per CCE. Let us discuss briefly on How to Assess Students in 10th Class Physics Subject as per New Syllabus. What are competencies in 10th Physics ? Weightage of Marks in 10th Physics in New Syllabus.
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Rc.999 Instructions on FAC to Mandal Educational Officer-MEO Posts
Rc.999 Instructions on FAC to Mandal Educational Officer Posts. Rc.No. 999/(C3-2)/Estt.2-1/ 2014, dated: 17-07-2014. The Head Masters who have been kept as FAC to MEOs Post are now empowered to concentrate on the activities of the Mandal as a whole time job. The Senior SA of the concerned School will take the Full time Incharge HM Post. Details are as follows:
AP Post 379 Postman Recruitment, 31 Mail Guard Recruitment in Postal Dept
AP Post 379 Postman Recruitment 31 Mail Guard Recruitment in Postal Dept. AP Postal Circle released Notification for Postman and Mail Guard Recruitment for 410 Posts. Applications are invited from the desirous & eligible Applicants to fill up the posts of Postman and Mail Guard in the following Postal Divisions/ Units in Andhra Pradesh Circle in the pay scale of Rs.5200-20200. Candidates should apply Online through www.appost.in Eligibility, How to apply for Postman Recruitment Notification and other Details are as follows:
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Moulana Azad National Scholarship Scheme to Meritorious Minority Girl Students
The Scheme “Maulana Azad National Scholarship Scheme for Girls belonging to Minorities” offers applications Post Metric Scholarships offered by Moulana Azad Education Fund. This Scheme has an objective "To recognize, promote and assist meritorious Girl students belonging to National Minorities who can not continue their education without financial support:" This "Maulana Azad National Scholarship
Scheme for Girls belonging to Minorities Scholarship" Amount will be admissible for expenditure on payment of School/College Fee, purchase of syllabus books, purchase of stationery/equipments required for the course & payment of Boarding/Lodging charges. Details of the Scheme, Eligibility Criteria are as follows:
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Scheme for Girls belonging to Minorities Scholarship" Amount will be admissible for expenditure on payment of School/College Fee, purchase of syllabus books, purchase of stationery/equipments required for the course & payment of Boarding/Lodging charges. Details of the Scheme, Eligibility Criteria are as follows:
Rc.19 Each Mandal will have 6 MRGs | Note on Quality Learning Enhancing Program
Rc.19 Each Mandal will have 6 MRG s | Note on Quality Learning Enhancing Program. Rc.No.19/ SSA/A3/2014 Dt. 14-07-2014 From Now Each Mandal in AP will have 6 Mandal Resource Group Members in place of present 3 MRGs. This proceedings will discuss about Monthly regular academic activities at DPO level/Mandal level as detailed hereunder and a concept note on Quality Learning Enhancement Program at Elementary Level etc.. Details are as follows::
Learning Enhancement Programme (LEP) is a comprehensive programme. It aims at bringing about qualitative changes in children at elementary level with a robust frame work touching the critical academic areas of the elementary education as they are...
1. Objectives and Learning Indicators;
2. Methodology of assessing learner achievement; and
3. The pedagogic measures to be taken up to achieve the learning objectives.
According to the 18th JRM recommendations, we have developed a road map on quality education in Andhra Pradesh to build a democratic classroom based on
Teams are constituted for conducting Academic Monitoring in the state.
5) Pedagogical Measures
Rc.19 Each Mandal will have 6 MRG s | Note on Quality Learning Enhancing Program
- The attention of the all District Educational Officers and Project Officer in the state is invited to the subject cited and they are informed that SPD decided to enhance the number of MRGs from 3 persons to 6 persons in each mandal. In other words, 3 more schools in each mandal have to be developed as elementary model schools, taking to a total of six model schools in each mandal. They are therefore requested to identify three more MRGs in addition to existing three MRGs from each mandal. While identifying the new MRGs, the requirement of subjects shall be taken into consideration i.e two MRGs in each subject i.e., Telugu -2 MRGs, Maths-2 MRGs, and in English 2 MRGs which comes to a total of 6 (six) MRGs. Further they are also requested to tag up each MRG to organise the School complex level meetings and all academic activities at mandallevel, as per the schedule communicated by SPO.
- Further they are requested to undertake the following Monthly regular academic activities at DPO level/Mandal level as detailed hereunder
SI No | Activity | Action taken by DPO |
1 | Quality Monitoring Tools (QMT): Collection of Data through School Monitoring format and consolidation in four quarters III. Quarter: April to June IV. Quarter: July to September III. Quarter: October to December V. Quarter: January to March Consolidation of each Quarter shall be done at District level and shall be sent to SPO in the gtven DMF format at the end of each quarter period. | Zerox copies of QMT copies (excluding ) complex level) may be communicated to all schools to collect the data Quarter w1se at three levels School /Mandal!District |
2 | Online monitoring of CRPS and Officials (5th of every Month) | Check the report monthly and furnish the report. |
3 | Review of CRPs at Divisional level (Before 1Oth of every Month) | Focus on performance and pay the salaries of CRPs and DLMTs |
4 | Review of MEOs & DLMTs and Sectorial Officers | Ongoing regular activities 5. Teacher Absenteeism 6. Students attendance 7. Children's performance 8. School Monitoring |
5 | MEOs shall conduct review meetings with all complex level Head Masters on Monitoring | Complex HM |
6 | Submission of Monthly reports of DEOs , DPOs AMOs and other Sectoral officers (Consolidated Work done reports of District officials to (C& DSE) | Review by DEO & DPO |
7 | Web portal Posting the Information, data, sector wise expenditure, monthly wise targets and Achievements in official website of DPO. | DEO, DPO and MIS- coordinators |
8 | Monitoring by all DPOs, /DEOs ,Dy.Educational officers and Sectoral officers of DPO | Covering all schools at least once in quarter or at least three visits in a year |
9 | Development of District level road map for improving Quality Education 4. Improvement of Quality Education 5. Achieving 100 o/o enrolment 6. Reduction of Dropouts | Planning and implementation at DPO level. |
10 | Conduct of Complex meetings as per schedule | Planning and implementation DPO level. |
Elementary Education in Andhra Pradesh- A Vision"Creating democratic and attractive classrooms ensuring freedom from fear, anxiety and discrimination, with total participation of children, interesting and thought provoking learning activities; teachers playing the role of facilitators, continuous and comprehensive assessment of children's performance, dynamic community participation, effective onsite support to the teachers for an all-round development of children".Rajiv Vidya Mission, A. P., Hyderabad realized the multi dimensional efforts to be taken up to bring quality improvement in the learner achievement. The result of this has led to conceptualization of "Learning Enhancement Programme (LEP)" in Andhra Pradesh and the same is being implemented in the schools in the State from the year 2009-10. LEP programme is being implemented as follows:
Learning Enhancement Programme (LEP) is a comprehensive programme. It aims at bringing about qualitative changes in children at elementary level with a robust frame work touching the critical academic areas of the elementary education as they are...
- 1. ensuring children to achieve Class specific, subject specific essential learning competencies, attainment of Expected outcomes (as per Academic Standards prepared by SCERT).
- 2. improved Teaching Learning Processes through 100% utilization of learning time and engagement of children by Time-on-task.
- 3. improved Assessment Procedures which are based on specific Academic standards, by adopting different means such as Oral & Written, Performance, pupil products, child portfolios, projects, teachers observation in harmony with Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (Formative and Summative) procedures.
- 4. setting Performance Indicators for Institutions and Individuals making Teacher and Head Master accountable with role clarity and increasing transparency in the system.
- 5. improved participation of parents by making a SMCs is functional and vibrant. The community participates in school matters, demonstration of the performance of the children to SMC members.
1. Objectives and Learning Indicators;
2. Methodology of assessing learner achievement; and
3. The pedagogic measures to be taken up to achieve the learning objectives.
According to the 18th JRM recommendations, we have developed a road map on quality education in Andhra Pradesh to build a democratic classroom based on
Collaborative teaching learning strategies
Discussion centered classrooms
Respect and protection of Child Rights as a part of School Ethos
As suggested by MHRD, on the pedagogical changes on hand, it is essential to modify the Learning Enhancement Programme to Quality Learning Enhancement Programme. It is the need of the hour to design a road map for Quality Education in Andhra Pradesh by implementing the following
2. Learning Indicators - Designed by SCERT
3. Implementation of Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation
4. Quality Learning Enhancement Programme
5. Pedagogical measures
6. Monitoring
1) Academic Standards
SCERT, A.P., Hyderabad (the State Academic Authority) has developed class wise and subject-wise academic standards and designed the revised textbooks accordingly. The books are child centred, activity based, project oriented and promotes self learning. The revised textbooks are introduced from Classes I to IX by the 2013-14.
2) Learning Indicators
SCERT has designed class-wise and subject-wise learning indicators to attain prescribed academic standards by children.
3) Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)
The CCE is designed by SCERT and introduced in all schools during 2013- 14 based on the academic standards to assess children continuously through formative and summative tests.
4) Quality Learning Enhancement Programme - 12 Academic Aspects
Discussion centered classrooms
Respect and protection of Child Rights as a part of School Ethos
As suggested by MHRD, on the pedagogical changes on hand, it is essential to modify the Learning Enhancement Programme to Quality Learning Enhancement Programme. It is the need of the hour to design a road map for Quality Education in Andhra Pradesh by implementing the following
Road Map for quality education in Andhra Pradesh
1. Academic Standards - Revised textbooks developed by SCERT2. Learning Indicators - Designed by SCERT
3. Implementation of Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation
4. Quality Learning Enhancement Programme
5. Pedagogical measures
6. Monitoring
1) Academic Standards
SCERT, A.P., Hyderabad (the State Academic Authority) has developed class wise and subject-wise academic standards and designed the revised textbooks accordingly. The books are child centred, activity based, project oriented and promotes self learning. The revised textbooks are introduced from Classes I to IX by the 2013-14.
2) Learning Indicators
SCERT has designed class-wise and subject-wise learning indicators to attain prescribed academic standards by children.
3) Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)
The CCE is designed by SCERT and introduced in all schools during 2013- 14 based on the academic standards to assess children continuously through formative and summative tests.
4) Quality Learning Enhancement Programme - 12 Academic Aspects
- 1. ensuring children to achieve Class specific, subject specific essential learning competencies, attainment of Expected outcomes (as per Academic Standards prepared by SCERT).
- 2. improved Teaching Learning Processes through 100% utilization of learning time and engagement of children by Time-on-task.
- 3. improved Assessment Procedures which are based on specific Academic standards, by adopting different means such as Oral & Written, Performance, pupil products, child portfolios, projects, teachers observation in harmony with Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (Formative and Summative) procedures.
- 4. setting Performance Indicators for Institutions and Individuals making Teacher and Head Master accountable with role clarity and increasing transparency in the system.
- 5. improved participation of parents by making SMCs is functional and vibrant. The community participates in school matters, demonstration of the performance ofthe children to SMC members.
- 6. subject forums at different levels are formed. In this direction RVM (SSA) has launch Mathematics Forum at state level.
- 7. academic activities such as Wall Magazine, School Postbox, Honesty Box, Children Clubs, Children Diary etc., and innovative activities such as Weather Station, Compost Pit, Free Plastic zone, Talent Search Activities in the schools etc are being implemented.
- 8. all important national and international festivals are celebrated in all the schools.
- 9. an innovative programme known as READ programme IS being implemented to develop reading habits among the children using the children literature available in the school. One period is provided in the school time-table for reading.
- 10.implementation of inclusive practices -to achieve equity & equality in the classrooms capacity building programmes such as orientations and trainings were conducted for teachers. Model School concept is developed for implementation of the inclusive practices and to improve teaching learning outcomes.
- 11.School Leadership Development Programme was conducted for effective implementation of school leadership practices and to enhance the school and class leadership among the teachers and stakeholders.
- 12.Monitoring - State Level, District Level and Mandai Level Monitoring
Teams are constituted for conducting Academic Monitoring in the state.
5) Pedagogical Measures
- Recommendations of 18th JRM are being implemented towards pedagogical measures as follows
- Training progammes in two levels are designed (State and Block level) instead of three levels.
- District Academic committees are established to select the Resource Persons at district level for conducting trainings. The committee has selected a group of team experts @ 12 R.Ps for each subject.
- Participatory approach through hands on experience is practiced in all the training programmes at state and block (Mandai) level.
- The concept of the training programmes and trainers packages are based on revised textbooks of IV & V classes and Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation.
- The total methodology of the training is child centred approach making the teacher acting as a facilitator.
- The methodology of the teaching is designed enabling divergent thinking by children, project orientation, activity based and self learning.
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