Army Recruitment Rally at Kurnool from 28th May to 6th June 2014

ARMY RECRUITMENT RALLY - KURNOOL from 28 MAY 2014 TO 06 JUN 2014, AT POLICE PARADE GROUND, KURNOOL. An open Army Recruitment rally will be conducted from 28 May 2014 to 06 Jun 2014 at POLICE PARADE GROUND, KURNOOL to enroll eligible candidates into the Army from seven districts of Andhra Pradesh viz, Anantapur,Chittoor, Guntur, Kadapa, Kurnool, Nellore & Prakasam
Recruitment Programme. Screening of Documents and Physical Fitness Tests and Physical Measurement Tests will be as under :-

Army Recruitment Rally at Kurnool from 28th May to 6th June 2014

  Category   Districts Date of Screening of Documents Date of Physical Fitness Tests/Physical Measurement Tests.
Soldier General Duty Anantapur, Chittoor & Prakasam 28 May 2014 29 May 2014
Soldier General Duty Guntur, Kadapa Kurnool & Nellore 29 May 2014 30 May 2014
Soldier Tradesmen Anantapur, Chittoor, Prakasam, Guntur, Kadapa, Kurnool & Nellore 30 May 2014 31 May 2014
Soldier Technical & Soldier Nursing
Anantapur, Chittoor, Prakasam, Guntur, Kadapa, Kurnool & Nellore 31 May 2014   01 Jun 2014
Soldier Clerk/Store Keeper Technical & Screening for ESM APPLYING FOR DSC (Those application verified by concern Records offices and pre-medical done by MH Secunderabad) Anantapur, Chittoor, Prakasam, Guntur, Kadapa, Kurnool & Nellore 01 Jun 2014     03 Jun 2014  
Aptitute Test for soldier tradesmen   Anantapur, Chittoor, Prakasam, Guntur, Kadapa, Kurnool & Nellore
02 Jun 2014
Medical of all candidates selected in PMT   Anantapur, Chittoor, Prakasam, Guntur,
Kadapa, Kurnool & Nellore
30 May 09 Jun 2014
(As per the date given after PMT)
Candidate Will Report to Police Parade Ground, Kurnool at 05.30 AM on the scheduled date, as per programme.

  •  (a) Candidates who have under taken Andhra Pradesh Open School Society Examination for Class X are now eligible for Soldier Genral Duty and Soldier Tradesmen. 
  • (b) Candidates with 10+2 Vocational Subjects are not eligible for Soldier Technical, Soldier Nursing Assistant & Soldier Clerk/ Soldier Store Keeper Technical. They can apply for Tradesmen/ Soldier GD. 
  • (c) Candidate who are below 18 years of age will bring their parents consent certificate. (d) Sportsmen who have represented India at International level and State at National level but not earned first/second position are eligible for relaxation in physical std and bonus marks as per laid down policies on the subject

::Eligibility Conditions::

    S No Categories Educational  Qualification
    (a) Soldier Technical 10+2/Intermediate (XII) Examination pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English
    (b) Soldier Technical Aviation 10+2/Intermediate (XII) Examination pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry,
    Maths and English / Three years diploma in Engg  (Mechanical/Electrical / Automobiles  / Computer  Science  Mechanical  Engg and  Electronic &
    Instrumentation Engg) from a recognised polytechnic Instt.
    (c) Soldier Nursing Assistant   10+2/Intermediate pass  in  Science with Physics, Chemistry,  Biology and English with 40% marks in each subject and 50% marks in aggregate or B.Sc Degree (Botony/  Zoology/Bio Science) and English (simple pass) Stipulation of marks laid down at 10+2 level will not be applicable for B.Sc degrees.
    (d) Soldier General Duty 10th passed with min 33% in each subject /C2 Grade or 4.75 Points in Grade System and 45% marks in aggregate except additional subject . 10+2 simple pass in all subjects. Stipulated marks percentage  will  be  waived  off  for
    10+2 and higher education qualification.
    (e) Soldier Tradesman     8th Class Pass.     For House Keeper, Mess Keeper and Syce.
    10th Class Pass.    For  Chef,  Washerman,  Dresser,  Steward, Tailor, Artisan (Woodwork), Artisan (Metallurgy) Suport Staff (ER) Artisan (Construction) and all other trades 10th simple pass / ITI qualification in respective trades. Only candi- dates who have undertaken Class X Board Exam would be considered.
    (f) Soldier Clerk/Store Keeper Technical     (a)   Should have secured 40% marks in each subject and 50% marks in aggregate in class XII.
    (b)    Should have studied English and Math/Acct/Book Keeping in Class XII or Class X. Should have secured minimum 40% marks in each of these subjects, whether it was studied in class XII or class X.
    (c)    If an individual is a graduate (any field) with Maths / Accountancy/Book Keep- ing and English (Even elective) as one of the subjects, the stipulation of scoring
    40% marks in Math / English in class XII or Class X and scoring 50% marks in aggregate in class XII is waived off.
    (d)    If an individual is a graduate but not having English and math/Accountancy/Book Keeping at graduate level, he should have scored minimum 40% marks in English and Math/Accountancy/Book Keeping at least once in Class XII or Class X.

    Age for all : 17 Yrs 6 months to 23 Years (Born between 28  May 1991 to 28 Nov 1996)

    Selection Procedure : The undermentioned tests are compulsory for all :-
    (a) Physical Fitness Test
    (i) 1.6 KM Run in minimum 6 min 20 sec /
    (ii) 9 Feet Ditch Jump /
    (iii) Pull Ups, minimum six
    (iv) Balancing Beam

    All the candidates except DSC and Sol (Tdn) who have been declared fit at rally site in the Medical Examination will under go a Common Entrance Examination at Army Recruitment Office, Guntur location. Date will be 27 July 2014 for direct medical fit and 31st Aug 14 for MH review medical fit candidates including complete Sol (Tdn) Candidates.

    Documents Required. 
    Candidates are advised to bring the following documents in original on the day of Rally. Documents should be laminated, arranged in a sequence and contained in a file cover, alongwith three Photostat Copies of each duly attested by a Gazetted Officer with his name and seal in ENGLISH. Candidates are advised to check their certificates and Marks Sheet for mismatch of names , DOB, Parents name, School and other particulars in various certificates. All seals and language should be in ENGLISH:-
    • (a) SSC Mark Sheet 
    • (b) Intermediate Mark Sheet 
    • (c) Degree Mark Sheet 
    • (d) Nativity, Community, Date of Birth Certificate in English Duly signed by Tehsildar or Revenue Officer with his name and seal in ENGLISH. 
    • (e) Study and Conduct Certificate from last education institute in ENGLISH. 
    • (f) Character certificate from Village Sarpanch / Administrative Officer in ENGLISH. 
    • (g) Transfer certificate in original in ENGLISH 
    • (h) NCC/Sports/ITI & Computer certificate of O++ level if held. 
    • (j) In case of Non Matric Candidates, Transfer Certificate duly verified by the District Education Officer and Mark Sheets of last examination appeared duly affixed with school seal and attested by Headmaster. Seal and language should be in ENGLISH. 
    • (k) There is provision for instant enrolment for Sons of War Widows and Battle Casualties, Eligible candidates to candidates to contact concerned Army Recruiting Office 
    • (l) Twently latest coloured 34 x 45 mm passport size photographs not taken earlier than 6 months with name and DOB of candidates printed on photographs. ALL DOCUMENTS AND RUBBER STAMP SHOULD BE IN ENGLISH.