Rc.132/E1-1/2008 Dated:14-05-2014-SSC (10th) Class-Advance Supplementary Exams 2014 Duty During Summer to Heads of Schools and Clerical Staff-Instructions and Preservation of Earned Leaves (ELs) as per Rules.
Sub:- School Education Conduct of SSC Advanced Supplementary Examinations, May/June, 2014 - Instructions issued to all the Heads of Schools including Clerical staff and Office Sub-ordinates to be present during Summer Vacation - Reg.
Read:- Lr.Rc.No.87/B-2/2014,Dated:19-04-2014 from the DGE.,Hyderabad.
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Sub:- School Education Conduct of SSC Advanced Supplementary Examinations, May/June, 2014 - Instructions issued to all the Heads of Schools including Clerical staff and Office Sub-ordinates to be present during Summer Vacation - Reg.
Read:- Lr.Rc.No.87/B-2/2014,Dated:19-04-2014 from the DGE.,Hyderabad.