Rc.No.660/RVM(SSAVC2/2013 Dated:30-05-2014. The Honorarium (Remuneration) of RVM OutSourcing Staff working at different Levels like CRPs, MIS Coordinators, Data Entry Operators IERTs Honororium is Enhanced w.e.f 1st June 2014.
RVM (SSA) A.P, Hyderabad -Remuneration to the personnel working on outsourcing/ contract basis in the District Project Offices, Mandai Resource Centers and School Complexes in the state with effect from 01.06.2014- Orders- Issued- Reg. Ref: PAB minutes of AWP&B 2014-15
RVM (SSA) A.P, Hyderabad -Remuneration to the personnel working on outsourcing/ contract basis in the District Project Offices, Mandai Resource Centers and School Complexes in the state with effect from 01.06.2014- Orders- Issued- Reg. Ref: PAB minutes of AWP&B 2014-15